Electrical Installation
An electrical installation comprises all the fixed electrical equipment that is supplied through the electricity meter. It includes the cables that are usually hidden in the walls and ceilings, accessories (such as sockets, switches and light fittings), and the consumer unit that contains all the circuit-breakers and, preferably (RCDs)*
Ensuring there are enough sockets for electrical appliances, to minimise the use of multiway socket adapters and trailing leads.
Satisfactory earthing arrangements are in place to ensure that a fuse or circuit breaker can quickly clear an electrical fault before it causes an electric shock or fire.
Satisfactory protective bonding arrangements are in place where required (so any electric shock risk is minimised until a fault is cleared)
Sufficient circuits are provided to avoid danger and minimise inconvenience in the event of a fault.
Cables are correctly selected and installed in relation to the fuse or circuit breaker protecting the circuit.